PhD Students

Amanda Fogh

Amanda joined the group in 2021 for her Ph.D. studying nitrogen hydrogenation catalysis. She completed her B.Sc. at the University of British Columbia. Under the supervision of Dr. Laurel Schafer, she investigated the reductive coupling of alcohols with vanadium catalysts for her honour’s thesis. In her free time, Amanda enjoys climbing, reading, and exploring what London has to offer.

Liam Parkin

Liam joined the group in 2020, having completed his MChem at the University of Manchester. During his MChem project he investigated the synthesis of heteroleptic bis-cyclopentadienyl dysprosium complexes for use as single molecule magnets. He now works on main group, high valence complexes as electrophilic catalysts for the conversion of CH4 to CH3OH. When not in the lab Liam enjoys hiking, going to the pub, and biking.

MSci Students

Jiayi Wu

Jiayi joined the group in 2021 for her MSci project which is about synthetic iron catalysts for nitrogen hydrogenation. She has completed 3-year undergraduate Chemistry courses at Imperial College London. In her spare time, she likes to painting, watching movies, and singing.